Some students may have the opportunity to cancel all or part of their loan for certain types of employment or service.
If you expect to be eligible for any cancellation listed, you should apply for deferment of your account during your year of qualifying service/employment.  This process delays billing until the end of the year, when your payments will be cancelled.  To apply, complete a Request for Deferment Prior to Cancellation form and return it to ECSI.
To receive cancellation benefits, you must file a Request for Cancellation Benefit form at the end of your eligible year.  If you defer payments for service/employment, the cancellation form will be sent to you automatically.

Employment/Service Areas

  • Nurse Medical Technician
  • Head Start Employment
  • Teacher (low-income schools, teaching special education, shortage areas)
  • Providers of early intervention services and services to high-risk students
  • Law Enforcement/Correctional Officer
  • Peace Corps
  • Military (serving in area of hostility)
  • Other

Contact ECSI for more details.