Commencement Info
graduation FAQ
Graduation FAQ
graduation checklist
Graduation Checklist

degree requirements
Degree Requirements 


Please check your degree guide to account for all outstanding courses before applying!
Graduation Application (Login Required)
Application Deadlines:
March 15, 2024 for August 31, 2024 posting
July 15, 2024 for December 31, 2024 posting
November 15, 2024 for April 30, 2025 posting
Students who submit their application after the deadline may not be eligible to participate in the Commencement ceremony. 
You must apply for graduation even if you do not plan on walking in a ceremony

Submitting the Application

  • Students should review their InsideCBU degree guide on a regular basis to evaluate progress toward graduation.
  • Students should submit an application for graduation if they will complete all degree requirements by the degree posting date. 
  • Graduation Applications must be submitted by the application deadline. Students who do not submit their application by the deadline may not be eligible to participate in the Commencement ceremony.
  • Applications received after the degree posting date will be required to apply for the next eligible degree date.
  • An official graduation evaluation will be sent to your LancerMail account when your graduation application has been reviewed. If you have questions about the status of your graduation application please contact the Office of the University Registrar.

Graduation Honors

Honors are awarded to baccalaureate degree students according to the following cumulative grade point average: 
         3.50 - 3.69: Cum Laude

         3.70 - 3.89: Magna Cum Laude

         3.90 - 4.00: Summa Cum Laude

Honors are awarded to associate degree students according to the following cumulative grade point average: 
         3.50 - 3.69: Honors

         3.70 - 3.89: High Honors

         3.90 - 4.00: Highest Honors
Honors announced at the undergraduate commencement are determined by the student's cumulative grade point average at the completion of the previous semester. Degrees and honors awarded in the ceremony are conditional upon completion of all course requirements in accordance with university policies. Postbaccalaureate students (Graduate and Second Major only) are not eligible for graduation honors. (University Catalog)

Degree Posting

  • All degree requirements must be met prior to the posting date.
  • Degrees completed between posting dates will be posted at the next scheduled date.
  • Once the degree is posted, no changes will be made to the transcript. (University Catalog)


Graduation Application Fee - Undergraduate Degree $175 
Graduation Application Fee - Master’s Degree $250
Graduation Application Fee - Doctoral Degree $750
Duplicate Diploma Fee $50