Welcome!  You are on the page for the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for California Baptist University.  We review all proposals for research with human participants before the research takes place; we exist to ensure that the rights of human participants will be protected if the project is completed as proposed by a researcher.  The information on this page, especially in the handbook documents linked under “Current Handbook”, will help you understand (1) your role as a researcher in the protection of human participants and (2) how you can demonstrate to the IRB that your proposed research project meets the federal guidelines for ethical research with human participants.

Important Note: As of August 2023, all IRB submission forms have been revised. All IRB Applications are required to use the new form. The handbook has likewise been updated in a few places for clarity. Changes to the specific sections of the handbook are documented in the table of contents. Please review the handbook and reach out to the IRB if you have any questions or concerns.

IRB Review Dates

Exempt and expedited IRB applications are reviewed on a rolling basis (with slightly longer review times during campus breaks). Full board applications must have all pre-checks completed with an application number assigned (i.e., IRB confirmation of a completed application) at least one week before the scheduled IRB meeting. Meetings are scheduled approximately two times monthly during the traditional academic year and as needed during the summer. Please submit any questions and all applications in the correct format to irb@calbaptist.edu

PLEASE NOTE: Researchers are now required to submit a valid CITI Human Subjects Research (HSR) training certificate. Information on creating an account is available under the “Tutorial for Conducting Research with Human Participants” link (top right).

IRB Commmittee Members

A list of IRB committee members can be found here: https://calbaptist.edu/about/leadership/provost/university-committees

All IRB questions and correspondence should be sent to IRB@calbaptist.edu